Phew nearly there... missing a couple prompts I thin.....
Is it sunday already!? You know what that means folks.. Its time once again for the SUNDAY BLOG PROMPT - I just love how many of you take part in this - and hope this week is no exception.PET HATES..if you had to list the top 5 pet hates.. the things that physically make you go "UGH"what would they be? what peeves you? What can make you leave a room!? Have a think and show us all your top five
Ok so I will keep it simple, Pet Hates are Pet Hates, so this will be brief or a shop box will arrive!!
1. Arrogance!! Cant and dont need to elobrate any more I dont think.....
2. Ignorance!! As above LOL
3. Stupid People LOL Ok not sure how much I can elobrate on this without offending, but you know the type where you look at them and you know FULL well that its very lonely in there head, you know the type that say stupid things like ooo i feels like wednesday when in fact its Saturday!!! please o please tell me firstly how does a wednesday feel like and secondly, how can a work day feel like a day at the weekend, or they park as the drive in...wheels facing out arse hanging out the space ...ooooooo (move on Claire move on)
4. Some women drivers, now im not declaring im the best female driver im far from, BUT and I stress BUT... those women who drive small iddie diddie cars like they are driving a cheiftan tank irrotate me, or those that take a hour to reverse park into a shopping car park, and still leave their cars half in the space next door aarrgghh.......thats why we get ripped by male drivers....
5. People who eat with their mouths open!! ok lets just straighten this one out, my mate is totally unable to breathe through her nose, which in turn she has to eat with her mouth open, this is fine why??? we do not see her food roll around like washing in the machine, nor do we hear the slapping of food and lips, nor does it fall out, where as there is someone else I know who firstly, eats foul smelling food, secondly, the noise!! well you can hear her eat from some distance, thirdly, you wear it should you happen to be facing her when she talks........I dont like oat cakes and I certainly dont like having them spat at me LOL my god I feel my blood pressure rising thinking of it.
Ok enough, let get back to happy happy face clear of oat cake self
Me xx
1 comment:
ROFL!! This is so true. especailly about the drivers who cant park.
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