If you could change places with someone (be they dead or alive, famous or not) for one day, who would it be and why?
This was a prompt on UKS recently, I have been really crap lately!! its not excuse, this is not the benefit of others, its for me, its my daily get to know me blog....my work pc has been really raking me off, its been crashing hour in hour out, and if im lucky maybe only once an hour!! fun I hear you cry....fun is now on my side as I have a izzy whizzy lets get busy all signing all dancing never forgets the sugar PC.................. so im BACK!!
Ok so back to the prompt...who would I want to swap with........It has to be the one and only Audrey Hepburn, my god that woman to me was an icon, stunning smart clever I could go on, along with most of the actresses in those days they were all that a woman was meant too be, I mean you could tell a woman was a woman not having to take a second glance cos your not sure!
I Mean I dont want to rattle some people, but nowadays women are just not lady like, not femanine enough, and I hold my hands up higher then any others, im typical, jeans, trousers, trainers, make up only at the weekend, well its my time I dress up and make myself look semi female for Roger, not the IT guy at work or the delivery guy!!
But yes im just as bad as the ones im blaming, I wish I was in a society of femine beauty, I truely want to shoot the women who burnt their bras and shouted equal rights, and I still want to shoot the women that say "oh no I should get paid that amount EQUAL RIGHTS" but then when a box needs moving "oh no im a lady, we cant do that" no whisper of EQUAL BLOODY RIGHTS! and I truly feel that, ladies like, Audrey and Catherine Hepburn (Un related) and Betty Davies were the last of those true lady Icons!!
I love her to bits and all she stood for, and I would love to have 24hrs as her just to feel what it would have been like to be a true Lady...........
Daft I know
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