A fun one today. BBC Breakfast had a hilarious report on women's handbags this morning. The average woman's handbag weighs 1.6 Kilo or about 3 pounds. Our handbags say a lot about us....it could make a great LO for a 'Book of Me' as well as THE BLOG PROMPT today:What’s your handbag like? What makes a ‘perfect’ handbag? What do you carry in your handbag? What's in it right now? Do you ever have ‘handbag envy’?
HHmm well I think I have done the same as a million other women and keep buying smaller bags hoping that you wont fill it with as much crap as your last bag!! well that went out the window as I love over the body bags, as I think they are safer.
So I hear you cry, whats in my bag..............................here goes:
Scrunhie (hair band) essential
2 Lip Blams essential
House keys to Mums house and MIL house
Several pens and pencils often borrowed from work
Lipstick (never wear to work)
receipts (ink worn cant see for what is was for)
Eye drops
Business Card for a hotel in Mallorca (highly recommended)
£1 token for shopping trolley
And a very light purse
So nothing interesting, I love handbags and regulary point out new ones in hope that my light purse will become full so I can spend it on another bag, I have loads of bags indoors behind my wardrobe ~note to self try and sell on ebay~
So that is a snippet of me, maybe one day you will see a LO on this.......watch this space!!
Me xx
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